Мирный скептик и времяхранитель
В одной зарисовке с фф.нета высказана следующая любопытная мысль:
Nations know their people.
They know every face and name and age when it is necessary, every detail to help them ensure the survival and well-being of their populace, their life source. But occasionally, what they know is not necessary; what they know is not survival. There is no real name for the instinct that intermittently surfaces, that alerts them to the presence of someone extraordinary... but one can, perhaps, call it destiny.
The source of this certainty is inexplicable, practically mythic, but it is undeniable. It is a nation's certainty, after all.
Согласитесь, оригинальный взгляд на возможное взаимодействие хеталийских героев и выдающихся деятелей.
Не начинается ли оно с предугадывания, с интуитивной уверенности, что конкретно этот человек на века прославит себя и свою страну?
Nations know their people.
They know every face and name and age when it is necessary, every detail to help them ensure the survival and well-being of their populace, their life source. But occasionally, what they know is not necessary; what they know is not survival. There is no real name for the instinct that intermittently surfaces, that alerts them to the presence of someone extraordinary... but one can, perhaps, call it destiny.
The source of this certainty is inexplicable, practically mythic, but it is undeniable. It is a nation's certainty, after all.
Согласитесь, оригинальный взгляд на возможное взаимодействие хеталийских героев и выдающихся деятелей.
Не начинается ли оно с предугадывания, с интуитивной уверенности, что конкретно этот человек на века прославит себя и свою страну?